Many Eyes The first web site to put sophisticated visualization techniques in everybody's hands. Upload and visualize your data for free.

Web Seer A visualization that lets you compare two Google Suggest queries. As seen on the New York Times and Boston Globe

New York Times Visualization Lab Specifically designed for The New York Times, this version of Many Eyes lets readers visualize and comment on information and data sets presented by Times editors.

NameVoyager Explore historical name trends letter by letter.

Map of the Market A quick answer to the question "what's happening in the market?" Created for SmartMoney.

Flickr Flow The seasonal ebb and flow of colors in Boston. From thousands of Flickr photos, for Boston Magazine

history flow Visualizing editing activity on Wikpedia; from edit wars to vandalism and the healing process.

Chromogram Learn how different people contribute to Wikipedia.

Phrase Net Visualizing the relationships between different words used in a text.

Word Tree A visual search tool for unstructured text that lets you pick a word or phrase and shows you all the different contexts in which it appears.

Themail Visualizing email conversations over time.

Fleshmap An inquiry into human desire, its collective shape and individual expressions.

Luscious A celebration of the play of color in magazine ads.

Wired Anniversary To celebrate its anniversary, in 2008 WIRED Magazine commissioned a visualization of its history and culture. We created an algorithm that visualizes the colors of every cover in the previous 15 years.